Check out my new book cover for the follow up novel to my second book "Blossom"!
I'll be doing special reading of the first few chapters of PT2 in the near future. Come back soon for details!
I'll be doing special reading of the first few chapters of PT2 in the near future. Come back soon for details!
please hurry i read blossom and it was sooo good I love that book i cant wait to read part 2
omg when is this hitting the stores?
Hello, I wondering when are you going to release Blossom part 2 bc I know it must be done bc it's been three yrs. I'm a writer myself waiting to get publish but I know it doesn't take you this long to release a sequel. I almost forgot about Blossom, so please hurry up on the second. Please!!!
Why tease everyone with a book cover??Has the book even been started??? I don't think she has any intentions on dropping blossom 2!!!Here it is a few days away from 2010 and still NO book!!! (word to the wise Ms. Queen Pen you better act fast befor you loose your fan base)!!!
well its been almost four years sincee i read blossom the first book, and orginally thee sequel was suppose to come out in 'early 2008' supposedly, here it is 2010 ...2 years later and still NO book . its really irritating because im starting to forget what even happened in the first book because blossom 2 is taking so long. PLEASEEE RELEASE THE BOOK QUEEEN PEN ! ITS MY FAVORITE BOOK .
man blossom 2 really needs to hurry up and come out because it was a very good book but it taking to long for the second book to come out and i hope when it come out it will be good cause i will really be upset if it is cause it been about a 5 year wait
we've been waiting for like 3 years. I wanna know whats going to go down between Bloosom and Dude, if they get back together(which i hope they do)because they seem so right for each other. Queen Pen, please, hurry up and complete the book. It's torture having to wait for 3 years for it
ok i have read the book at least 3 times when is this 2nd book going to be released? it has been long enough and u have had more than enough time to write it! i mean whats up with that
I just finished blossom.. I truly can't believe queen pen left us hanging at the end..it was a great book and I'm ready for part 2..
I cant stand that I have been waiting over a year for this blossom2. Please hurry up. I've read the book 20 times.
When is part 2 coming out can you please answer that? I just read part1 so I'm glad I didn't have to wait the 4yrs. But I read all the time and if 2 don't come out soon I'll forget all about it and so will everybody else thats real readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ily. ;-)
I just finished reading this book and IMMEDIATELY looked for the sequel!! I NEED to read it ASAP! Please release it soon. Im not gone be able to wait, I need it now!! Very good book Queen!
Just update us on the status of it. I loved Blossom and have been waiting years for the sequel. Where its at?
Um Ma'am Please Hurry With Blossom II Im Really Want To Know Whats Gonna Happen, What Relations Are Gonna Be Broken,If Maria's Gonna Keep Tha Baby?? So Please I Beg Yuh Put The Book Out And Dont Leave Your Fans Waiting Any Longer, Cause In A Couple Of Months It Will Be 2010 Which Will Make 5YEARS!!!
hey queen pen man u had my hopes high in he sky.. i wish you wouldn't have lied to u girl...bt i understand maybeu got a lot of chips on ya shoulder ....idk.but you need to start telling te truht..it'll be 2011 in two weeks.thats all i gotta sat
its 2011 now like really is this book coming out or not...
hey queen pen. I'm a male, my ex made me read Blossom back when it came out and I ended up loving it. I have been waiting for the sequel since. Blossom was the first urban fiction book that I read and I havent stopped since. Love Yuh.
I am almost done with the book. But i skipped to the ending and realized there must be a sequel. I can't wait til it comes out. Because this book Miss Queen Pen is sooooo good. Like really good.
I have been waiting for a couple of years for the sequel to Blossom. I hope it will release soon. I know it will be well worth the wait. Ms. Queen Pen please end my misery and drop this book.
Well I just finishd readn Blossom prt 1 and it was a good book I just don't like being left in the dark. I wanna knw how blossoms. Baby doing if maria kept the baby if fernando is going to try an gt dude killd. How bad did blossom hurt lil richie and tamika. If Dude and blossom r getting back together hows Darlene n the kids wat about Kandi did she plead insanity come on please I need to knw this
I don't think you read these post. I wish you just put the book out already. Blossom was the very first book I've read when I was 12. Im 18 now and I need to read that Sequel ! I dying to know what happened. Did Dude ever find Blossom? Did Maria keep the baby? What about Tamika? And blossom and her baby! I NEED TO KNOW!
I don't think you can come up with a part 2 that matches the intensity of part 1. It has been 6 years since you have written part 1 and still nothing.
I have to get my hands on Blossom 2. Blossom was a really good but to leave your fans with to be continued...sucked !!! I need to read more about dude and blossom. Hurry Pleassssse Queen Pen !
Ive been waiting for so long I dont remember whatever happen in part1. I also have given up on infiltrators which ive been looking for since i saw da cover an heard the first few chapters of part2 is in da back an still nothing. Still luv u Queen even doe im disappointed...
wow i just wanna give up i don't think this book is ever coming out not a good look for the author
I can not believe that part 2 has not come out yet. I am so disappointed. This was one of the best books I have ever read and to be left with.....to be continued.
Earth 2 Queen Pen.......Keep it real will Blossom 2 ever come out? Do you even read your fans post? not a good look but I still got love for you
This site doesn't even have recent posts! The last post was made in 2009. 2009! Really? Why is it taking so long for part two? Did she even start the darn book? A cover is only good for so long...TIMES UP! Put some pages with word's between that cover. How about that?!
Wow! The of my post is even wrong. It is 2:00 am not 10:58. SMH.
Really just admit u ain't making another blossom so I can stop Googling for it every few months! Shucks let someone else write it. Ridiculous of u to keep us waiting on nothing!
smh , I keep looking for this book and ready the first part over and over . wtf , is going on this is the wrost wait ever for a book ! Please hurry you fans want to know what happens or should we just give up waiting for pt 2 ???
looking back at these comments just makes me so mad. the first one i posted was THREE years ago under the name kay kay stating that i had already waited three years for the sequel, so now it's been a total of 6 years and counting that i've been waiting. she's officially lost a fan. i think its rude for her to say a book is coming out in 2008 and leave fans waiting for almost 10 years on a book thats obviously never coming out. she doesnt even have the courtesy to update the website with a new date or a reason as to why we've been waiting all this time. im no longer even interested in this book to be honest.
Man this sum bullshit I just finished reading pt 1 n instantly googled pt 2 n to see these comments that yall been waiting years really upset me if I knew I would b stuck waiting n guessing I would not hav even started reading it I'm pissed!
I read this book in high school, im now almost done with college. & In 2 hours it will be 2014....
I guess we will never know what happen
So i guess we are still waiting on part 2??
I'm still waiting on this book and its the end of 2014. What happen? Bcuz I'm disappointed.
I check for this book every 6 months and get my feelings hurt every time. I'm so disappointed. Gonna see if she twitter or FB.
You suck Queen Pen
I am disappointed as a fan. I am very curious and hate being let down like this. When ppl who read books they do it as a hobby. It's like watching you favorite tv show and not knowing what happened next.
OMG! IT'S 2015 ALREADY!!!!!
I thought I was the only one who was waiting and disgusted that a part 2 to Blossom was never wrote she put to be continued like she planned on it I guess not so disappointed
I've been waiting for over five years for the ending. I'd hate to have to make up my own closing to this book. Please give us part 2 soon.
OMG where the BOOK
I'm super pissed....inconsiderate! !
I'm super pissed....inconsiderate! !
where's blossom 2?? i need it!
�� I've become so attached to Blossom. I read this book when I was 12...I'm 19 now. You put this book out in 06...it's 2015. WHAT THE FUCK? Hand that shit over to somebody to publish it OR ask for help! If you need funding to help with the book or something just ask I'm very positive that your fans including myself will see to help in anyway possible to get this book finished. I can't continue to think "what if" Pleaseeeee Queen Pen!
Okay so miss Queen Pen hasn't put anything on here since 2009!! Like are you serious? I do not like that cover, but I dont even need a cover. Just cough up the pages already!! I read this book my senior year in highschool "06", im grown as hell with a kid now. Do you need ideas??
So has she came out with part 2 ?
Nope and I give looking for it
Here I am, it's 2017, still no Blossom 2 wtf
Can we PLEAAAAASSSSSE get Blossom 2??????!!!!!
Been waiting 12 years. I guess you changed your mind about part 2. That is pure torture!!!!!
Me and u both smh...the first one was good!
This book change my life threw school I first read it in 8th grade 2008-09 I'm now 24 years old and still want to read part 2. It change my life because it was the first book I ever read completely and liked it and could remember what i read. I use to hate reading because I never could tell you what I read I would read and it was like my eyes would see the words but my mind would be some where else. 8th grade year my teacher told me it's not that I don't like reading or have comprehensive problems it's that I don't like what I'm reading nor interested that I need to read something I like not just what school has you read. Well we went to the library and I found your book and I couldn't put it down I would get in trouble for reading it during class. My reading skill got better after this my reading grade came up and the girl who once hated reading now does not. Please come out with part 2 it may seem simple but it changed they way I looked at reading you made and change and now matter how simple it may seems it's a change and that's what makes a difference! I'm sure there is reason part 2 has not came out but it's never to late the type of books you write also as a fan base bigger now than when the first book came out you bringing a second book out can make the first more popular now because the second book will bring the first back to surface and you will have a whole other generation reading it. A generation that is more in to your genre now than 10 years ago. You can make a huge come back I know you can and both books wil "The Sh*t." The first book may come more popular this time around once you release the 2nd than it was the fisrt. Now get your butt in gear you have people rooting for you and that believe in you I Faith in you just like I have faith that this note will make it to you. Now get that old pen and start writing, not type write!!!
^^ BTW I'm woman, I wrote under my
|| husband page guess he is logged in
<3 tiffany
Hey it's tiffany again I pray to God these comments find their way to you! Girl I just finished reading your book again for the second time and it was so much more exciting i guess being so young the first I read and I missed alot of details I finished this book in not even 2 days only in seating I couldn't put it down! Also this time around I read your ackologment <3 you have to find that ambition and I pray to God for you to find the strength and encouragement for the second book. I know you will when the time is right. Oh BTW fuck dem haters to on here!! They ain't the ones writing the shit and mainting a home 4 kids that are teenagers now. But girl yo book is the bomb!! I'm going to be your encouragement today. Lol.. But fr. Girl there ain't nothing you can't do shit and if giving birth don't tell you that then idk cus I know that shit is a pain but well worth it!!! Just like every good thing. How could we appreciate something if we ain't know the strong or learn faith if we never had low times. But you know all this,, and what ever it may be that is Delaying book 2 you can and will figure it out if you want to. And I see delaying because there will be book 2. I got faith in you. And I'm sure you know these words mean so much more than just "a book". God as a funny way of doing things sometimes but it's apart of the bigger picture!!
I needddddd part 2 �� queen pen need to finish part 2
Hey Guys , My mom isn’t currently planning on releasing any literature right now due to personal issues . I’m very surprised she still has a large fan base despite her extreme hiatus from the spotlight. Again , we are sorry for the inconvenience and as soon as everything gets better . New content will be shared.
Here I am. In 2019.. still waiting for This book :(
Came to see if there was any update ! Nothing
Fast forward to 2019. Any updates?
Please give us part 2 of blossom
Blossom what's up with a part 2 you can just leave us hugging and wondering what happens when you got to Florida
Just reread Blossom, and ummm I need part 2 like now!
Queen Pen, I read Blossom a few years back when I was in High School. I’m now 31 years old and waiting on Part 2. I need to know what happened to Blossom after she leaves Dude? Did Maria keep the baby? It’s been 10+ years since I read the book, but now I’m still waiting? Please don’t leave me hanging. I need to know what happened ��
2020 ... still waiting?
Its 2020 an still no book damn so disappointed
Will there be a part 2?
Damn. Still waiting. We some loyal
People. LOL.
Yes.. She might as well do a spin off with their kids now.
Girl I'm in 2022 still checking for updates lmao
Yes. All the comments come to my email. 20 years later and still hoping and waiting. I refuse to give up😂😂
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